Supplier information
How to get your products listed on Music Group Denmark A/S online stores, and our partner online stores.
If you are an approved supplier to Music Group Denmark we can easily add your products to one or more of our websites if you can provide us with sufficient product data.
File format: CSV or Excel. File must NOT include discontinued products and products that is never in stock at supplier. Please contact us to have an example file.
You must as a minimum provide us with the required information. Suppliers that provides optional information as well will be preferred.
Required information:
Supplier SKU
Product name
Brand name
EAN code
Picture URL (up to 10 picture URL´s)
Product category (deepest level)
Net cost price, all discounts deducted
Product description long (English)
Product key selling points or short product description (English)
Technical specifications (if any)
Optional information:
Manufacturer SKU
Youtube embed code - Example:
"Street price" / Thomann price
Manufacturer suggested retail price
Manufacturer product page URL
Supplier product page URL
Product description long (Danish)
Product key selling points or short product description (Danish)
Extended warranty (if any)
Weight including packaging
Package dimensions
Energy class
Energy consumption (if any)
It is also possible for us to develop an automated stock integration, and a more complete import.
This is done through an XML file, with the relevant data, that is hosted on an FTP.
This file has to be updated daily by the supplier, something that does require some technical know-how.
We can provide the FTP hosting, or the supplier can.