AIAIAI A01 Beskyttelses Taske
199 kr.
299 kr.
Afhent på lager | 0,- |
GLS - Pakkeshop | 0,- |
GLS - Erhvervslevering | 59,- |
GLS - Hjemmelevering | 99,- |
Danske Fragtmænd | 299,- |
This small "pouch" or bag, is designed to take care of your headphones from dust and scratches. It comes in a stylish and simple design, with the AIAIAI logo on the front.
It is made of soft nylon and has a small layer inside, which also fits your earphones. All AIAIAI TMA-2 models fit in the bag.
Model/Varenr.: | 14001 |
Vægt (kg.) | 0,1 |