Lukas Graham - Lukas Graham
189 kr.
Afhent på lager | 0,- |
GLS - Pakkeshop | 0,- |
GLS - Erhvervslevering | 59,- |
GLS - Hjemmelevering | 99,- |
Danske Fragtmænd | 299,- |
Tilbehør der passer til:
- Lukas Graham Debutalbum
- Vinylplade med Lukas Graham
Remember in 2012 when Lukas Graham came out? "That's the guy who played Grunk in the Crumbs"
A new talent, from Christiania, with a great voice, a band that just came out of nowhere...
Lukas Graham's debut album named "Lukas Graham" took Denmark by storm and the opening track "Ordinary Things" took over the radio.
- Ordinary Things
- Nice Guy
- Drunk In The Morning
- When You're With Me (Interlude)
- Red Wine
- Apologize
- Criminal Mind
- Don't Hurt Me This Way
- Moving Alone
- Oohhh (Interlude)
- Never Let Me Down
- Before The Morning Sun
Model/Varenr.: | 060252797953 |
Vægt (kg.) | 0,5 |
Genre | Pop |