Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

Engelske Arctic Monkeys seneste stuidioalbum, "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" udgivet på vinylplade


  1. Star Treatment
  2. One Point Perspective
  3. American Sports
  4. Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino
  5. Golden Trunks
  6. Four Out Of Five
  7. The World's First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip
  8. Science Fiction
  9. She Looks Like Fun
  10. Batphone
  11. The Ultracheese

Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

2 anmeldelser

189 kr.

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  • Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
  • Vinylplade til pladespiller

Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

Engelske Arctic Monkeys seneste stuidioalbum, "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino" udgivet på vinylplade


  1. Star Treatment
  2. One Point Perspective
  3. American Sports
  4. Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino
  5. Golden Trunks
  6. Four Out Of Five
  7. The World's First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip
  8. Science Fiction
  9. She Looks Like Fun
  10. Batphone
  11. The Ultracheese

Model/Varenr.: 887828033911
Vægt (kg.) 0,5
Genre Rock
